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Ask The Allergy Chef: How Can I Make My Home Smell Nice? Sensitive to Chemicals and Fragrance.

Ask The Allergy Chef: How Can I Make My Home Smell Nice (Chemical & Fragrance Sensitivity)

    How can i make my home smell nice? I’m sensitive to chemicals and fragrances.

    As someone who has issues with fragrance, chemicals, and other airborne toxins, I can totally relate to your need. The good news is, there are lots of ways to have your home smell nice without using harsh chemicals and/or man-made fragrance.

    Before You Break out the Big Guns

    First, make sure you have your bases covered. Do you have a good air filter (or two)? If your home has unpleasant smells due to a range of reasons, a good air filter can help eliminate said smells.

    Furthermore, as weather permits, make sure you’re getting fresh air into your home. This is often overlooked, but can make a vast improvement to your indoor air quality.

    Some plants are natural “air cleaners”. Assuming you don’t have any plant/pollen issues, having a few of these in several rooms can also help your home smell nice.

    Natural Ways to Make Your Home Smell Nice

    There are a lot of all natural ingredients you can use throughout your home to create a charming smell.

    Essential oils with a diffuser can change the smell (and the mood in some people). Find a quality brand such as Veriditas (this is an organic brand). You’ll want to know about their processing, carrier oils, and ingredient sourcing. For folks like us, one of the worst things to do is to choose a low quality brand and essentially pollute your indoor air.

    Look for non-toxic air fresheners. Some, like myself, are still on the fence about these types of products. However, I’ve heard so many good things about the brand Grow. Check them out and see if their products will meet your needs.

    Foods That Can Make Your Home Smell Nice

    I once read something so interesting: realtors were advised to bake chocolate chip cookies before an open house. Apparently, it would make the house smell more warm and inviting, and help make a sale.

    There’s solid advice there though for people like you and me. Baking can absolutely make your home smell amazing. On days where you’d like a different smell, bake something new and enticing. Some flavours will have a more pungent smell, and last longer in your home.

    Make a brew on your stovetop. In a large pot, combine orange peels, cinnamon, star anise, a bit of cloves, and apple cores. Bring the pot to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Allow this to cook in your home for as long as you’d like (you can add more water as it evaporates).

    The smell that will permeate your home will be amazing! You can also try other fruit and spice/herb combinations to cook on the store top.

    Make Your Own Items That Smell Lovely

    If you’re feeling crafty, two things you can make yourself are candles and dried flowers. Most commercially produced candles are going to contain a long list of toxic ingredients. However, you can make your own with beeswax and other natural ingredients. A quick online search will result in numerous how-to videos.

    Potpourri, a combination of dried flowers and sometimes spices, can also be made at home with raw materials that are safe for you. Once dried, the flowers produce a subtle, perfume like fragrance.

    No matter which way you go, I do hope that something here is plausible for you, and that your home will be smelling ever so sweet to you soon.

    Good luck on your quest!
    ~The Allergy Chef

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