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Ask The Allergy Chef: Free-From Budgeting

Ask The Allergy Chef: How can we save money at the grocery store?

  • 2 min read
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As the price of gas continues to remain high, and the inflation on already expensive allergy free food makes it nearly impossible to purchase, how can we save money at the grocery store? I’m usually good about budgeting, but when everything is going up by $1 – 2 (or more) I don’t know how we’re going to make It. Please help.

Hi, I’m sorry you’re having this struggle. We are feeling it too. Here in CA, gas is upwards of $7 a gallon. It’s quite literally highway robbery. I’m going to share with you some budget tips, and additional resources that can help.

Before we start, you have to know, you’ll always either pay with your time or your money. There’s simply no way around this.

1. Study your receipt. Anything over $4.99 needs to be questioned, even necessities. Can they be made at home for less money? Free-from bread is a great example of a high ticket item that can be made for less at home.

2. Eliminate as many novelty items as possible. Looking at you $8 ice cream.

3. Drink water and reduce/eliminate beverage purchases.

4. Shop the perimeter of the store. Everything in the middle (packaged) will always cost more.

5. Shop farmer’s markets.

Those five are probably the top five. From there, you’ll need to purchase bulk raw materials and make food at home. I did this for years and saved us thousands on groceries. And, we eat 70%+ organic.


Free Article: 10 Tip for Saving on Free-From Groceries

Email Opportunity: Best Budget Tips (drop in your email address and the file gets sent to you)

Join RAISE and use the justamonth code. Let me expand. Food is expensive. You don’t have the extra funds to waste raw materials on recipes that don’t work. We’ve done the heavy lifting of figuring it all out so you can be efficient. There’s also a recipe category called Budget Friendly. Tap into that too. On the surface you may think you can’t afford RAISE when the reality is, it will help you save money. The membership fee will more than cover itself via your savings.

Wishing us alllll the best on this one!
~The Allergy Chef

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